CatLabs X Film 80

8x10 negative 32 ISO f/45

CatLabs X Film 80 is a low speed, fine grain, and affordable option for any film shooter. Rated at an EI of 80 with a high exposure latitude, this film can adjusted and manipulated with some experimentation. Or shot and developed with great results at box speed with given times. Here are my thoughts after shooting this film for roughly 2 years, in all formats besides 35mm.

8x10 negative ISO 32

What I’ve noticed when shooting and developing with given 80 iso and HC-110 development time, the shadows tend to block up and lose details quite a bit. Personally and after much experimenting, I’ve come up with a decent solution. Rating CatLabs at ISO 32-40 and under developing has given me great results in daylight. Along with a developing time of 6 minutes in HC-110 dil. B. This works for me and could be a useful starting point to handle some of the shadow detail loss.

Two 4x5 negatives ISO 10

For the above images, I’ve metered for ISO 10. I have misplaced my notes on developing times, but do remember them being short for dilution B and went with H I believe.

CatLabs X film 80 provides lovely contrast, tonality and fine grain. Maybe not a TMax or Panatomic X comparable grain but very lovely characteristics. The film also dries clear and flat, making for pain free scanning or contact printing. I have had no backing paper issues with 120 and love this film in sheets. At the price point, it’s and brainer since I’m always on a budget.
A MKII version has just been released as of writing this and I have gotten a chance to fire off a few sheets. I will leave one example below.
I’ve noticed with the new emulsion, more contrast without loss of shadow detail, punchier highlights and the same great feel of the old emulsion. As I test and shoot more I will update my notes and thoughts. But so fat I’m digging it.

4x5 negative X Film 80 MKII

Go grab some X Film 80 and let me know what you think. With some customizing, it renders great results and has quickly become one of my favorite films.


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